We specialise in making sure we liaise with the wedding party, co-ordinators, venues and photographers. We will assist wherever we can and will endeaver to make sure it is all a special day.
The standard fee to book the EH Limousine for a wedding is all inclusive of pickup at Melbourne metropolitan location, liaising with wedding party and co-ordination with other vehicles, photographers and time schedules. Doing this and doing with class and in style.
Usually the bride and who is giving her away, or the bridal party will travel in the limousine. The bridal party can also travel in a separate sedan or two that are built to the same standard as the limo. The page boy and flower girl are often also in on this party.
The limo is yours to travel in, have ready, be photographed and generally admire and be admired in for the next four hours. We specialise in making sure it all runs smoothly and we personally really do want to make it all happen just right. All attention to detail is made. The vehicle will have wedding ribbons attached and the limousine has red carpet rollout if arranged.
Vehicle | cost | |
Standard limousine wedding hire | 4 hours | $POA |
Extra time | $POA | |
Non Melbourne Metro area | $POA | |
Country Victoria | $POA |
Contact us to arrange a booking. We can advise if the day and time is available. A deposit is required to hold the booking and lock it in.